Seriously y'all, the rain cramps my style. Yesterday I had tickets to the Giants vs. Braves game (and being from Georgia, I grew up going to Braves games, and was looking forward to experiencing split loyalties) . . . but it was delayed FOUR HOURS and raining and pouring so relentlessly that we said F it and stayed home.
And today? I mean it's already Monday, which is bad enough, and then I: a) overslept, and was late to my 2nd period class, and b) walked outside to discover MORE RAIN. What's up with all this? Pretty much everything I do is outside!
But here's what I did do this weekend:
1) Watched Fear
I'd forgotten how incredibly sexy Mark Walberg was circa 1996. Daaaaaaamn. Guess it goes back to the bad boy thing. And that roller coaster scene is basically soft-core porn (and it's h-o-t). Here's a pic of Marky Mark in case anyone else has forgotten his hottttness:
2. Went out with my girls (and their boyfriends/husbands, geez) Saturday night and had a few too many dirty martinis:
Saturday night was my first night of post-Lent straight-up debauchery. It started at the Lake Chalet (which is awesome, btw, if you live in Oakland) and then progressed to the Easy Lounge near Lake Merritt, where they were playing some sweet old school hip hop and all in all it was just a little too much fun. I'm omitting the deets cause my family reads this. ;) But I got to wear my cute (and short) zip up gray dress, some five inch heels, and the glittery Juicy clutch that baby Freeman so thoughtfully gave me for Christmas. Speaking of which . . .
3. Spent Sunday morning playing hide-and-seek with Freeman:
"Freeman hide. Claire hide. Freeman hide. Claire hide." So cute. We need to work on Freeman's hiding places, though . . . he's not very slick. Though he IS slick enough to climb soundlessly out of his crib, as his mama discovered Saturday morning when she went to get him up and he was chillin' on his floor.
4. Joined a mix cd blog exchange!
I've never done one of these swaps before, but this one seemed relatively easy and I'm pretty psyched about compiling and mailing out my 2 mix cds to my partner in England!
I'm off to go try and embrace the rain . . . maybe it will be good inspiration for the erotic poem I have to write by Wednesday. Man, have I missed my Cobras . . . can't wait to see Ali and Diana on Wednesday! Here's hoping that after the rain . . .
from weheartit
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