Sunday, October 3, 2010


Soooooooo I'm watching Jersey Shore for the first time (where have I been, hiding under a rock??), and I have a few questions:

  Is this guy's hair serious?

"I was born and raised a guido.  It's just a lifestyle, it's being Italian, it's representing family, friends, tanning, gel, everything."

↑  Is this girl serious with her tan?  Her poof?  Her face?

"I didn't find any gorilla juiceheads . . . but as long as you have a tan and some sort of build to you, I'll give you a try."

↑ Do women actually have sex with this guy?

"I'm guessing Angelina left the swiss cheese in the car cause we all know RATS love cheese."

I'm kind of amazed that people like this exist.  But I'm pretty grateful that they do, cause they make for some damn fine tv.  My favorite quote from this website:

Hemingway. Faulkner. The Situation. What do these three have in common? Well, pretty soon all of them will have written a book.

My observations/questions from tonight's (back-to-back) episode(s):
  • Snooki is 4'9"
  • Angelina's right; "The Situation" really does look like he's "f---ing 40 years old."
  • Why do all these girls have long black hair?
  • I would love to run into one of these bros at a gym.

I gotta get myself to New Jersey to do some research.  I want to see people like this in their natural habitats.  

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